Cell Assisted Treatment

Cell Assisted Treatment

  • At the dawn of 21stcentury one thing is certain: the use of living cells derived from the candidate along with his own intercellular messenger molecules promoting tissue regeneration is very enthusiastic and promising.
  • With age, skin quality changes. Conventional approach of unidimentional treatment of aging still being used seems more outdated than ever before.
  • Tissue regeneration and treatment of aging process I strongly believe that should be carried out additionally on a cellular level.
  • My personal approach for treating aging stigmata consists in adding an increased concentrate of regenerative cells by using Stroma Vascular Fraction derived from lipoaspirate.
  • This fraction together with your own growth factors and messenger cells promotes significantly your tissue repair potential at such levels that no other therapy can achieve.
  • That rationale brings conventional aesthetic surgery to a new cellular level.
  • Cellular injury, even after the application of antiaging surgical procedures is reversed in the favor of tissue softness, making previously damaged tissue far more natural.
  • There is nothing more natural than the injection of your own living multipotential repair cells that will interact with your natural tissue repair system giving remarkable results.
  • The superiority of autologous cell therapy compared with any other synthetic therapy like hyalouronic acid etc. is outstanding.
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